Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Rhode Island Chiropractor’s New Treatments

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Rhode Island Chiropractor’s New Treatments One central part of what chiropractors do in online chiropractic marketing is to target toward a specific kind of patient. Some doctors will relate more about their services for pregnant women or new mothers. Others will focus on athletes, or those with recreational injuries. Other kinds […]

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: South Australian Chiropractor

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: South Australian Chiropractor While some chiropractic doctors like to focus on a very standard kind of web site project, others inject their own individuality and personality into their chiropractic marketing. Chiropractors around the world can learn a lot from how other professionals set up the online marketing that supports their practices. Here’s […]

Chiropractic Marketing News: Michigan Chiropractor & Occupational Marketing

Chiropractic Marketing News: Michigan Chiropractor & Occupational Marketing Chiropractors who are trying to increase visibility for their practices are always looking for more information about ways to reach out to different kinds of prospective patients. There are “lifestyle patient categories” such as pregnant mothers, athletes and those involved in vehicle accidents. But what about another […]

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Indiana Chiropractor’s Comprehensive Website

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Indiana Chiropractor’s Comprehensive Website Chiropractic doctors who are trying to administrate and promote a new practice, or even an existing office, have a lot of their plates. They need to keep managing the patient schedule, while taking time for all of those other tasks involved in giving a practice more visibility […]

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: British Columbia Chiropractor & Establishing Authority

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: British Columbia Chiropractor & Establishing Authority One critical component to reaching out to people as a chiropractor is to help them understand your role within the general medical industry. Web readers want to see that a doctor is a respected professional, with a track record of success in the chiropractic field. […]

Personal Injury Marketing News: Michigan DC Breaking Out of the Box

Personal Injury Marketing News: Michigan DC Breaking Out of the Box When it comes to chiropractic marketing online, the old adage popularized by the nineties blockbuster ‘Forrest Gump’ comes to mind – “you never know what you’re gonna get.” Basically, the diversity in how chiropractic doctors approach their web sites is astounding. Some doctors who […]

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: Hawaii Chiropractor’s Balanced Web Resource

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: Hawaii Chiropractor’s Balanced Web Resource If you’re looking at how professional chiropractic doctors get their messages out to the public, you’ll see some fairly consistent trends and conventions within this part of the medical industry. Chiropractors like to try different things in terms of what they put into a blog or other […]

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: Michigan Chiropractor and ‘Good Health’

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: Michigan Chiropractor and ‘Good Health’ For anyone who’s involved in the chiropractic field, it’s no surprise that doctors and practice administrators have to think hard about what they put online. In this particular part of the medical industry, there are some huge challenges to effectively reaching out to people over the web, […]

Personal Injury Marketing News: Minnesota DC Talks About Spine Surgery

Personal Injury Marketing News: Minnesota DC Talks About Spine Surgery Creating the right kinds of chiropractic online chiropractic marketing content can be a complex job. Chiropractors want to explain to their patients what they do, and why it’s so important for the community. They want to make sure that web readers understand the value propositions […]

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Illinois DC and Chiropractic “Red Flags”

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Illinois DC and Chiropractic “Red Flags” Sometimes it seems like chiropractic online chiropractic marketing follows the ‘law of the jungle.’ In other words, every practice is out there trying to get visibility and claim patients over the web. Doctors have to put a lot of effort into making their practices stand […]