Chiropractic Telemarketing News: Australian DC & The World of the Individual Doctor

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: Australian DC & The World of the Individual Doctor We tend to think of a lot (or all) of online chiropractic marketing as related to the direct connection between the doctor and the patient, but other areas of online outreach focus on other parts of the chiropractic equation. Like other medical services, […]

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: South Australian Chiropractor

Chiropractic Telemarketing News: South Australian Chiropractor While some chiropractic doctors like to focus on a very standard kind of web site project, others inject their own individuality and personality into their chiropractic marketing. Chiropractors around the world can learn a lot from how other professionals set up the online marketing that supports their practices. Here’s […]