Personal Injury Telemarketing News: South Carolina DC Puts It In Her Own Words

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: South Carolina DC Puts It In Her Own Words

Personal Injury Telemarketing, Accident Referral NetworkIt’s kind of amazing to a lot of consultants and experts in online marketing that more businesses don’t take steps to personalize their web content. That said, there are a lot of chiropractic offices across the country that do nothing online but just throw up content that’s already been posted elsewhere. The web site might have the office’s contact information and the names of doctors, but it has precious little other individualized information.

There are a couple of reasons for this that you might find out about if you ask doctors why they don’t post themselves. One is that they feel they’re too busy, which is legitimate, and in these cases, doctors can find ways to work with professional writers while still keeping content unique to their office. But another one is the idea that doctors can feel intimidated by trying to put words on the page. Writing original content doesn’t have to be hard – it just replaces the generic chiropractic marketing that some practices used with personal testimony about chiropractic care.

Talking About Stress

Here are some interesting examples of a doctor’s ability to blog at this multi-doctor practice web site – Charleston Pain Relief Center in South Carolina. Here, four doctors work together to provide patients with spinal adjustments and other treatments.

Some recent blog material has been personally authored by Dr. Angela Tharnish, one of the four practice doctors. At the top of the page, Dr. Tharnish talks about stress in her own words and with a unique perspective that is more likely to engage readers.

“Do you ever feel physical ailments when you are mentally stressed?” writes Dr. Tharnish. “Ever wonder why?”

The doctor then equates different kinds of stress situations, such as the social or societal fear (your boss yelling at you) or a natural fight or flight type of stress (a bear wanting to be you) – Dr. Tharnish also talks about how different health conditions can stack up over time and jeopardize a person’s overall health.

“Think of a frozen lake with thin ice. The ice maybe thick enough to support one person’s weight, but if a friend was to join them the stress of the added weight may be too much and the ice might break. If you have underlying physical problems from years of stress, and you stress that area more, you are likely to experience symptoms there.”

This post ends with what you might call a call to action, but from a very personal perspective, in a way that’s genuinely welcoming to those who might become new patients.

Looking at the site as a whole, it seems that Dr. Tharnish has posted different kinds of resources on different health conditions, with the unusual omission of actual posting dates or links to different posts. All of these items are put together in one scrolling page and combined with other resources such as a testimonial page and FAQ that give readers more of an idea of what to expect at the practice.

Looking at sites like these, you can see the authoring personal content doesn’t have to be an insurmountable battle. These kinds of resources can be a first step toward getting your office the kind of prominence and visibility it deserves.

Adding Personal Injury Telemarketing Programs To Your Office Plan

Experienced doctors know that there is no ‘magic bullet’ for marketing success. Doctors who want more new patient traffic over time can turn to the Accident Referral Network, a premier chiropractic telemarketing company. We’ve put together customized programs that have worked well for many single client practices. Talk to us about the possibilities for bringing more attention and more local people to your business.