Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Missouri DC’s Seasonal Marketing

Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Missouri DC’s Seasonal Marketing

Personal Injury Telemarketing, Accident Referral NetworkAs a given calendar year rolls along, chiropractic doctors look for current and effective ways to reach out to web readers and promote their services. What works in one season might not work as well in another. In addition to crafting their chiropractic marketing materials according to location, demographics and particular expertise or services, doctors often try to blend in items for blogs or web sites on a seasonal basis.

Throughout the summer, some of the posts and web resources getting used by chiropractic doctors involve different kinds of summer clothes, issues with seasonal outdoor climate, and topics around vacationing. Although they are now being packed away for the winter, these kinds of marketing are often pretty effective throughout the summer months.

Talking About Flip-Flops and Sandals

So why do flip-flops have to do with chiropractic care, and why would chiropractors worry about summer footwear? Actually, here are a number of ways that  what you wear on your feet has an effect on the rest of your body.

For an example of this kind of topical marketing, take a look at the chiropractic blog of Dr. Adam Tanase in St. Louis, Missouri, creatively titled ‘Check the Neck.’ An October blog post entitled “Should you wear flip-flops?” goes into some of the aspects of the interconnection between different parts of anatomy, where wearing improper shoes can actually have an effect on how you walk and overall spinal support. This very visual blog post involves a detailed diagram of the foot and ankle, showing items like the plantar fascia ligament running from the toes to the heel and the Achilles tendon running up the back of the leg. Footwear without a strap to anchor the ankle and without proper soles can lead to problems with plantar fasciitis and flattening of the foot, which can in turn lead to off-balance walking that may affect the spine. In addition to causing foot problems like heel spurs and plantar fasciitis, this kind of footwear and the poor posture coming from it could be a factor in the development of some kinds of lower back pain. The blog cites a number of sources that go into detail on why, although it’s not always bad to wear flip-flops, some kinds of walking problems can be traced back to long-term use of inadequate footwear.

Using this kind of information with compelling visuals is a good example of how doctors make their web blogs relevant to a general audience.

Adding Personal Injury Telemarketing

Doctors who feel like they need more in terms of internal or external marketing content can take advantage of personal injury telemarketing services like those offered by the Accident Referral Network. This company provides individual offices and clinics with customized programs that help drive new patient traffic and promote long-term success.


Personal Injury Telemarketing Missouri

Chiropractic Marketing Missouri

Chiropractic Telemarketing Missouri