Personal Injury Telemarketing News: Louisiana DC’s Chiropractic Marketing
As we’ve mentioned time and time again, there are many different ways to approach chiropractic outreach online. When doctors and practice leaders start to craft a new web site, they are molding a very versatile kind of clay. They can branch out in many different directions, whether it’s visually representing a practice, talking about a doctor’s expertise or background, going into specific conditions and treatments, or creating many kinds of relatable content that will keep the reader’s attention.
But along with all these, there is another element that many practice leaders overlook. You might call it the ‘results oriented’ strategy.
A results oriented strategy sets a lot of these other principles aside, to focus on chiropractic outcomes. This approach assumes that the majority of readers only care about getting what they need out of chiropractic care.
Philosophy on Results Oriented Chiropractic Outreach
The benefit of the results oriented approach is that it does really show prospective patients some of what they can expect from an office, and impresses a lot of readers. The downside is that, since chiropractic is a kind of alternative and individual form of treatment based on a person’s central nervous system, it’s hard to pinpoint specific outcomes for any individual patient.
For an example of this kind of approach, take a look at this La Starza wellness blog from Louisiana. Practice bloggers are speaking in the words of former patients – or former patients are sending information transcripts. Here’s an example from October talking about a client whose son had bed wetting problems.
“My son had bed wetting problems for the last few years and hasn’t wet the bed since going to see Dr. La Starza.” writes the poster. “My Pediatrician was amazed when I told him. If you have a child I would have Dr. Marco La Starza as your family Chiropractic doctor.”
Many other similar post involve short testimonies and names. Rather than dwelling on the ambience of a practice or a doctors input about health conditions etc., different patients talk about everything from hip pain to back and knee pain.
There’s a lot of “I” writing here, but it’s not the kind of “I” writing that we’re used to looking at. Many practices use a format where doctors speak directly to patients. Not as many practices use a format where former patients speak directly to future patients.
In the end, these kinds of approaches can be effective and relevant if they are pursued in the right way. In most cases, this means blending these types of content in with other aspects of chiropractic marketing. However, any kind of personal or unique approach is better than using generic or syndicated content, and will serve doctors better to maintain the patient traffic and web traffic for a practice site.
Adding Multichannel Personal Injury Telemarketing Efforts
The Accident Referral Network, a premier chiropractic telemarketing company, can help professional chiropractors by adding personal injury telemarketing services. Our customized campaigns can help doctors to reach more people in a local community. Talk to us about all of the opportunities for augmenting good online outreach with other kinds of marketing.
Personal Injury Telemarketing Louisiana