New Hampshire Lawyer Warns Against Lowballing Personal Injury Coverage

Chiropractic Marketing: New Hampshire Lawyer Warns Against Lowballing Personal Injury Coverage

Chiropractic Marketing New HampshireUp in the “live free or die” state, public officials are still continuing with the experiment that makes this state uniquely different when it comes to auto insurance. New Hampshire is one of two states where drivers aren’t forced to carry standard amounts of liability insurance. But while many residents love this more “laissez-faire” law, many of those who deal with auto accident injuries aren’t as thrilled.

Professional businesses that help auto accident injury victims to recover and regain their strength after an accident often feel that some level of personal injury liability coverage is needed. Doctors as well as third party chiropractic marketing workers and others frequently weigh in on the need to make sure that spinal injuries and other kinds of bodily damage are covered after an accident.
New Hampshire Residents Under-Insuring Personal Injury?

In a January 2013 article in the New Hampshire Business Review online, writer and lawyer Paul Chant details some of the scenarios where New Hampshire drivers could find themselves in trouble because of insufficient auto accident injury coverage. Because many drivers go without insurance, says Chant, coverage is even more important. But, he says, not all coverage is created equal. For example, Chant suggests having high deductibles for property damage or other cuts that can allow policy holders to avoid skimping on personal injury coverage.

Insurance against bodily harm, says Chant, is important not only for the insured driver, but for others who may be injured in an accident that he or she causes.

None of us go out onto the road thinking that we are going to cause an accident, but we don’t want to be threatened by bankruptcy if that occurs. As Chant and other lawyers point out, medical bills can easily jump beyond a benchmark like $30,000 or even $50,000 or $100,000. That’s why professionals attorneys may recommend carrying at least $250,000 per person and $500,000 per accident in personal injury liability.

Many other experienced workers in the industry, such as chiropractic marketing experts and spinal injury doctors, would agree that these coverage should be routine for making sure that auto accident injury victims get the care that they need.
Knowing the Rules for Chiropractic Marketing and Care

It helps when medical providers and third party spinal or chiropractic marketing services understand the rules in New Hampshire or any other state. Auto accident injury victims will be looking for specific information on how they can get the best qualified care after an accident. They will want to know what sorts of coverage have qualified them for covering medical bills up to a certain amount.

Practices often share this kind of information with third party marketing companies or other outreach services, so that potential patients know what they are getting into when they enter the doors of a practice or clinic. In New Hampshire, which still has a much looser auto insurance system, an informed and professional network of care providers is extremely important, as state legislators and others wonder about the long-term feasibility of allowing drivers to operate without liability minimums.